The Irreverence of Categorising

Jon Miller’s Lean Response to NYR and his Insights into Organisational Behaviour

Source: Jon Miller’s Lean Response to NYR and his Insights into Organisational Behaviour

“Often your first instincts and the mistakes you make are better than what your mind is planning […] You just have to throw yourself with faith into the director’s hands.”

Mark Rylance: From Bridge of Spies to BFG

Mark RylanceImage copyrightAP
Mark Rylance plays real-life Soviet intelligence officer Rudolf Abel

Mark Rylance, arguably the greatest stage actor of his generation, already has three Tonys, two Olivier awards and a TV Bafta to his name.

But he remains modest about the Oscar buzz around his latest film role as a Soviet agent in Steven Spielberg’s Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies.

“I try to ignore it, personally, but I’m aware that it’s going down well,” says the quietly spoken English actor, director and playwright.

“I’ve been working for a long time, but a lot of people don’t know me. I’m like a vintage car they haven’t seen before.”

In Bridge of Spies, Rylance plays real-life Soviet intelligence officer Rudolf Abel, who is arrested in 1950s New York and prosecuted as a spy.

Abel’s case is taken up by a principled insurance lawyer James Donovan, played by Tom Hanks, who wants to ensure Abel receives a fair trial.

Donovan is plunged into the middle of a Cold War crisis when the CIA asks him to secretly negotiate a prisoner swap involving Abel and the pilot of a captured US spy plane.

‘Geordie spy’

One surprising fact about the Abel is that he was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and was originally known as William August Fisher.

“The only person I met who knew about him was Sting,” Rylance says, explaining how he met the Tyneside-born former Police front man after filming was over.

“Sting knew that he was a famous Geordie Russian spy. He said, ‘I hope you’re playing him as a Geordie.’ I said the research I had was that he sounded Scottish. I dodged a bullet, because Geordie is a very difficult accent to do.

“I read that Abel and his father handed out flyers during the First World War trying to convince young English men not to sign up for it. So he’d obviously been involved very politically from a very early age before they then returned to Russia.

“I also read that he could never speak Russian without an English accent.”

Bridge of Spies - Mark Rylance and Tom HanksImage copyrightDreamWorks
Rylance (left) plays Soviet spy Rudolf Abel, who is defended in court by lawyer James Donovan (Tom Hanks)

Rylance was cast in Bridge of Spies after Spielberg saw him on stage in the hit all-male production of Twelfth Night, in which a cross-dressing Rylance played Olivia. His other best-known stage work includes Jerusalem and Boeing-Boeing. For 10 years, he was the artistic director of Shakepeare’s Globe.

This is Rylance’s biggest film role to date – other movies on his CV include Anonymous and The Other Boleyn Girl – and Rylance says he felt well prepared after playing Thomas Cromwell in the recent BBC adaptation of Wolf Hall.

“The 17-week shoot, playing a character who was so secret and quiet, was a very intense period of work,” he says.

“I gained a lot of confidence on that shoot about my ability to register in a camera. That made a big difference.”

The actor says that he doesn’t mind the lack of rehearsal time that comes with film.

“Often your first instincts and the mistakes you make are better than what your mind is planning,” he says. “You just have to throw yourself with faith into the director’s hands.”

In the theatre, he says, rehearsals should be about creating performances that can “grow and change” throughout the run.

“I don’t work with theatre directors who try and lock down a production for the press night and then you have to be the same every night. I just won’t do that,” he says.

“Rehearsal in theatre is more like preparing a football team to play a whole season.”

Bridge of Spies might be Rylance’s first collaboration with Spielberg, but it’s not the last.

The director was so impressed with Rylance that a week into filming he gave the actor a copy of the screenplay for his next project, a big-screen adaptation of Roald Dahl’s The BFG.

“I thought he just wanted my opinion of it,” says Rylance. “I didn’t realise he was actually offering me the part of the BFG.

“I hadn’t read the book, but the script was wonderful. I had to change my plans a little bit to make myself available.”

The film was shot in Vancouver earlier this year and is now in post-production.

“It was motion-capture so my performance lives only in a computer,” Rylance says of his role, the titular Big Friendly Giant.

“I’ll be 24ft high and have big ears.”

Roles don’t come much bigger than that, but for now all eyes are on Rylance to see if his quietly powerful turn as a Soviet spy will add another statuette to his trophy cabinet.

Bridge of Spies is released in the UK on 26 November. The BFG is out in summer 2016.


Una dintre cartile mele preferate. O placere sa o revad in randurile de mai jos.

„Atunci când citesc, nu citesc de fapt, iau doar frazele frumoase, le savurez ca pe bomboane, ca pe un pahar de lichior pe care-l beau încet, până când simt că ideea se răspândeşte în mine, ca alcoolul. Şi astfel, se resoarbe în mine, se resoarbe în creierul şi în inima mea, făcând să-mi pulseze venele până la rădăcina vaselor sanguine.”

O sing 1Într-un spaţiu totalitar, fără libertate de mişcare, Hanta, personajul-narator, ne relatează trista sa poveste. Bun venit în pivniţa întunecată şi rece, plină de cărţi vechi şi şobolani, unde îşi duc existenţa o presă îmbătrânită şi un om menit să reducă la tăcere autori nepreţuiţi şi înscrisuri valoroase. Timp de 35 de ani Hanta a presat hârtie veche. În tot acest timp şi-a iubit munca, a salvat acele cărţi pe care le-a îndrăgit, şi şi-a frânt inima printr-o simplă apăsare de buton, conducând spre pieire restul volumelor.În timp de şobolanii duceau o luptă crâncenă pentru câştigarea unui spaţiu în pivniţă, Hanta era bântuit de fontomele cărţilor prăpădite.

Pentru Hanta, cărţile şi berea însemnau totul. Prin ele trăia, evolua sau decădea, iubea, evada din realitatea restrictivă şi copleşitoare sau se afunda în singurătatea prea zgomotoasă. Chiar dacă nu există o acţiune dinamică, cu răsturnări de situaţie, emoţiile protagonistului nostru sunt contagioase. Prin vocea sa, Hrabal a redat realitatea distorsionată a ţării sale natale Cehia, într-o perioadă întunecată. O ţară acaparată de comunism, războaie, tratamente inumane şi, nu în ultimul rând, afectată de cenzură şi controlul actelor creative, operele preţioase circulând multă vreme în samizdat. Acest lucru este foarte clar redat în următorul citat:

„Locuiesc într-un fost regat, unde a existat şi persistă încă obiceiul, chiar obsesia, să se comprime cu multă răbdare în minte gânduri şi imagini care aduc cu ele o bucurie de nedescris precum şi o tristeţe încă şi mai mare. Trăiesc între oameni care, pentru un pachet de gânduri comprimate, sunt capabili să-şi dea chiar şi viaţa.”

o sing 2

De ce citim? Cu ce rămânem din urma lecturii? Avem ceva de învăţat din cărţi? În romanul lui Habral vom găsi nenumărate răspunsuri pentru aceste întrebări, ba mai mult, ne vom simţi ca într-un carusel, purtaţi prin operele preţioase ale lui Nietzsche, Goethe, Schiller şi Kant. Scris într-un limbaj poetic, metaforic, romanul poate fi considerat un îndemn la lectură. Trăim într-o perioadă în care ne este permis să citim ce dorim, cât timp dorim, fără restricţii şi constrângeri. Nu mai trăim în contextul infernal al totalitarismului, copleşitor prin ură, teroare, discriminare şi cenzură, ci într-o societate structurată şi întreprinzătoare. Avem drepturi şi libertate de exprimare. Ar trebui să fim recunoscători pentru faptul că libertatea de creaţie nu mai este privită ca una dintre cele mai mari pericole la adresa regimului. Şi exemplul cel mai clar şi dureros ne este servit prin intermediul lui Hanta. Un om simplu, hotârat să facă faţă regimului, cu o dragoste măreaţă faţă de cărţi, dar infimă pentru a le putea salva.

Pentru a încheia într-o notă pozitivă, vă voi spune următoarele afirmaţii:Hanta iubeşte cărţile. VOI iubiţi cărţile. Si printr-o simplă asociere, VOI îl veţi iubi pe Hanta.

„Cerurile nu sunt umane, dar există ceva mai uman decât cerurile, compătimirea şi dragostea, pe care le-am uitat şi le-am rătăcit.”

2012 in review

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 1,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 3 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

2011 in the rear window

Click here to see the complete report.